By bike to Iwakuni ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

A nice sunny day called on one of the staff members to go on a little bike tour a few days ago ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Because of the nice weather and a suddenly discovered motivation the “little” bike tour turned out in something unforeseeable and before I knew it I drove about 48km from Hiroshima to Iwakuni. (o_O)”
My goal: to see the Kintai bridge with its interesting structure. The wooden bridge was built in 1673 and lies directly at the foot of the mountain Yokoyama. On top you can see the castle of Iwakuni.
Since it’s still autumn the leaves have their significant red color, so the scenery was absolutely amazing! The traditional Japanese buildings and temples give the place a very special atmosphere and I was surprised by the peaceful feel at this place.
In the end, the almost 100km I drove that day by bike were definitely worth it! (^_^)b